A key part of the Finances of the Nation project is publishing research on public finance in Canada. The authors of FON policy commentaries are amongst the leading economists and policy analysts in the country. This page lists our commentary contributors to date

David Andolfatto
Senior Vice President, Research Division at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Mostafa Askari
Chief Economist, Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy.

Robin Boadway
Emeritus Professor, Queen’s University, former President, Canadian Economics Association, International Institute of Public Finance.

Wei Cui
Professor, Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia

Miles Corak
Professor of Economics, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.

Livio di Matteo
Professor of Economics, Lakehead University

Ben Eisen
Managing Editor, Finances of the Nation
Making the Best of It: Options for Carbon Levy Revenue in Alberta

Tommy Gagné-Dubé
Professionnel de Recherche, l’Université de Sherbrooke

Luc Godbout
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Victoria
The Fiscal Rationale for Meaningful Federal Intervention in Child Care

Luc Godbout
Director, Department of Taxation, holds the Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et en finances publiques at the Université de Sherbrooke.

Julie S. Gosselin

Kyle Hanniman
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Studies at Queen’s University.

Alex Himelfarb
Director emeritus, Glendon School of Public and International Affairs, at York University, former Clerk of the Privy Council

Allan Lanthier
Retired Senior Partner, EY Canada and Former Advisor to the Department of Finance and Canada Revenue Agency.

Adam Lavecchia
Assistant Professor, McMaster University
Evidence on Behavioural Effects of Higher Capital Gains Taxes in Canada

John Lester
Executive Fellow, The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary
Overcompensation of Income Losses: A Major Flaw in Canada’s Pandemic Response

Marc Lévesque
President, l’Association des Économistes Québécois, former Vice-President and Chief Economist, Public Sector Pension Investment Board
Canada Needs a New Fiscal Anchor. (Québec Has One to Offer.)

Nick Mahoney
Research Associate, Finances of the Nation

Ken McKenzie
Research Director, School of Public Policy and Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Calgary and Co-Director of Finances of the Nation.
The Taxation of Capital Income in Canada Part III: Bringing it all Together

Kevin Page
Founding President and CEO, Institute for Fiscal Studies and Democracy

Jennifer Robson
Associate Professor of Political Management, Carleton University

Tammy Schirle
Professor of Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University
The Challenge of Designing Income Support Programs for the Self-Employed

Mikal Skuterud
Professor of Economics, University of Waterloo
The Challenge of Designing Income Support Programs for the Self-Employed

Michael Smart
Co-Director of Finances of the Nation and Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto.

Suzie St-Cérny
Professionnel de Recherche, l’Université de Sherbrooke

Alisa Tazhitdinova
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara and Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research
Evidence on Behavioural Effects of Higher Capital Gains Taxes in Canada

Trevor Tombe
Associate Professor, Department of Economics at the University of Calgary and Co-Director of Finances of the Nation.

Frances Woolley
Professor of Economics, Carleton University

Katherine Cuff
Professor of Economics, McMaster University
Canada should harmonize tax credits to enhance fairness and efficiency

Christine Neill
Associate Professor of Economics, Wilfred Laurier University
There are better ways to help student loan borrowers than zero-interest loans

Saul Schwartz
Professor at the School of Public Policy & Administration at Carleton University
There are better ways to help student loan borrowers than zero-interest loans