Key Insight from the Latest Federal Fiscal Monitor

Explore recent Fiscal Monitor data to better understand recent developments in public finances and see where we may be headed. Read this articleKey Insight from the Latest Federal Fiscal Monitor
Explore recent Fiscal Monitor data to better understand recent developments in public finances and see where we may be headed. Read this articleKey Insight from the Latest Federal Fiscal Monitor
This post summarizes the latest Fiscal Monitor data to help Canadians better understand recent developments in public finances. In addition, we use the monthly data to construct projections for total federal revenue, expenses and the budget balance by the end of the fiscal year. Read this articleThe federal Fiscal Monitor data for July 2023
This post summarizes recent developments in the Fiscal Monitor data to help Canadians better understand recent developments in public finances. In addition, we use the monthly data to construct projections for total federal revenue, expenses and the budget balance by the end of the fiscal year. Read this articleThe federal Fiscal Monitor data for January 2023
We use data on the distribution of capital gains income across and within income groups to simulate the impact of reforms to increase capital gains tax rates. Readers can use our online tool to explore different possible reforms. A reform that targeted only the highest capital gains income amounts would affect very few families, while raising substantial revenue, and increasing fairness in the tax system. Read this articleA capital gains tax reform simulation model
This commentary, an executive summary of a full report. considers the case for increasing taxes on capital gains in Canada and the implications for the upcoming reform of the alternative minimum tax (AMT), slated for release in the 2023 federal budget. Read this articlePathways to reform of capital gains taxation in Canada
The Biden administration has announced plans for student loan forgiveness. It would make little sense for Canada to follow suit. That would disproportionately benefit borrowers in the upper half of the income distribution. Read this articleCanada does not need a U.S.-style student loan forgiveness plan
The CWB increases supports lower-income workers, and recent enhancements have made it more generous. The change also allows for the addition of new beneficiaries, which is particularly important for dual-earning couples. However, the reform also increased the effective tax on earned income for some workers, and therefore potentially lowers the incentive to work. This is especially notable for couples with children where two spouses work. Read this articleDoes the Canada Workers Benefit enhancement achieve its purpose?
The ongoing recovery from COVID has been stronger than many suspected and many emergency support programs have ended. Using the latest federal Fiscal Monitor data, we explore revenue and expense trends. We present a simple forecasting model to project revenue, expense and the federal deficit to the end of the fiscal year. Read this articleWill federal finances improve this year?
While the economic and fiscal disruptions from COVID-19 were substantial, provincial governments across Canada fared far better than many anticipated. The latest data from Statistics Canada reveals the scale of the shock — with important implications for not only provinces, but also the federal government. Read this articleThe effect of COVID on provincial finances
That fact that the phrase “immigrants have parents” needs to be said reveals something about the framing of Canadian immigration policy: the tendency to see immigrants as production units, bits of human capital to slot into the Canadian economy and to fill Canadian skill shortages or to provide top talent. Read this articleIncreased immigration cannot solve Canada’s aging issues because immigrants have parents, too