Key Insight from the Latest Federal Fiscal Monitor

Explore recent Fiscal Monitor data to better understand recent developments in public finances and see where we may be headed. Read this articleKey Insight from the Latest Federal Fiscal Monitor
Explore recent Fiscal Monitor data to better understand recent developments in public finances and see where we may be headed. Read this articleKey Insight from the Latest Federal Fiscal Monitor
This post summarizes the latest Fiscal Monitor data to help Canadians better understand recent developments in public finances. In addition, we use the monthly data to construct projections for total federal revenue, expenses and the budget balance by the end of the fiscal year. Read this articleThe federal Fiscal Monitor data for July 2023
This post summarizes recent developments in the Fiscal Monitor data to help Canadians better understand recent developments in public finances. In addition, we use the monthly data to construct projections for total federal revenue, expenses and the budget balance by the end of the fiscal year. Read this articleThe federal Fiscal Monitor data for January 2023
This post summarizes recent developments in the Fiscal Monitor data to help Canadians better understand recent developments in federal public finances. In addition, we use the monthly data to construct projections for total federal revenue, expenses and the budget balance by the end of the fiscal year. Read this articleThe federal Fiscal Monitor data for December 2022
This post summarizes recent developments in the Fiscal Monitor data to help Canadians better understand recent developments in federal public finances. In addition, we use the monthly data to construct projections for total federal revenue, expenses and the budget balance by the end of the fiscal year. Read this articleThe federal Fiscal Monitor data for November 2022
Proponents focus on the average fiscal cost of program spending when the interest rate on government debt is less than the economy’s growth rate. They ignore the potentially large marginal fiscal cost of deficit-financed increases in spending that arise when a higher public debt increases interest rates on government debt and lowers growth rates. Read this articleNo ‘free lunch’ with debt-financed government spending
The scale and speed of the COVID-19 recession and the fiscal policy response has been remarkable. This commentary shows what has happened since the beginning of the pandemic and discusses the implications for future fiscal policy choices in Canada. Read this articleFiscal policy in the COVID recession: An early assessment