Canada does not need a U.S.-style student loan forgiveness plan

The Biden administration has announced plans for student loan forgiveness. It would make little sense for Canada to follow suit. That would disproportionately benefit borrowers in the upper half of the income distribution. Read this articleCanada does not need a U.S.-style student loan forgiveness plan

Is the Canada Child Benefit an effective policy? Impacts on earnings and incomes

In 2016, the government of Canada introduced the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), a large income-tested transfer to families with children. Our research shows it works well for low-income Canadians but causes a significant decrease in hours worked by secondary earners in middle-income families. We argue the CCB could be better-targeted toward low-income households. Read this articleIs the Canada Child Benefit an effective policy? Impacts on earnings and incomes

Basic Income or Welfare Reform? A summary of the BC Basic Income Panel Report

On January 28, the BC Expert Panel on Basic Income issued its final report. Media coverage of the report naturally focussed mainly on what the panel did not recommend – a basic income program – but the report offers far more than that. Read this articleBasic Income or Welfare Reform? A summary of the BC Basic Income Panel Report

Wealth Inequality: A Long-Term View

The distribution of wealth in Canada is a hot topic, yet longer term trends are not frequently discussed. Piecing together many studies shows that the wealth share of the top one percent, stable over most the post-war era, may again be increasing. A broader view however shows there have been gains for the middle class and decreasing shares of wealth for the top ten percent. Read this articleWealth Inequality: A Long-Term View