Government Finances
These pages present Finances of the Nation’s datasets on Revenue, Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities (REAL data) of governments in Canada. Currently, these data sets are available:
Government Revenue and Expenditure
Detailed revenue and expenditure of federal and provincial/territorial, governments, by province and territory, 1965/66-present. Currently, this dataset includes federal and provincial governments. Future editions of the dataset will include consolidated provincial-local governments by province/territory and consolidated general government for all of Canada.
Federal Debt
Detailed data on categories of federal government debt, 1867-present, including gross and net debt, marketable bonds, other liabilities, etc. Also includes data on flows of federal surplus/deficit and interest payments on the debt.
Debt Sustainability Simulator
Debt sustainability analysis projects government revenues and expenditures forward to explore whether debt to GDP ratios grow without bound. Fiscal gap analysis is a particular tool to quantify what fiscal adjustment, if any, is necessary to ensure sustainability of public finances. These gaps represent the required change in primary balances (as a share of GDP) to maintain net debt to GDP ratios over a desired time horizon. This tool allows you to select various scenarios governing fundamental economic, fiscal, and demographic developments as well as selected policy reforms and see the resulting effect on fiscal gaps.